(Not) a walk in the park

Perez Park is a relic of the early days of City of Heroes. It's a Hazard Zone – one of several scattered across blueside – and as such it has no contacts, no story arcs to speak of, and lots and lots of big groups of mobs. If you stick to newer content you'll rarely if ever enter it, but the Issue 0 contacts often hand out hunt missions in Perez.

Don't go alone, they all say, but as is common in any MMO these early group focused zones don't draw many players these days, so going alone is what I've been doing. It's not impossible, since even a +1 level advantage makes the bigger groups of enemies easier to handle, as does the new powers I gain as I level up. It's more doable at level 9 than it was at level 7, but it's still a challenge.

I like challenge, and I really like Perez Park.

City of Heroes isn't great at rendering natural landscapes, but despite that the zone is nicely atmospheric, thanks to good sounds, music and lighting, and what the maze-like layout under the trees lacks in realism it makes up for in being interesting to explore and navigate.

It's also optional. If I had to complete a succession of missions in Perez Park to progress it would perhaps be a different story, but that rarely happens in this game. There will almost always be a choice of zones, of contacts, of missions and of enemies. You do stuff in this game because you want to do it, not because you have to do it.

It makes a difference.
