City of Heroes: Day 7

It's alt time in City of Heroes. Again.

One of the rules I set for myself when I started this blog was to limit myself to only one character per game. It's a rule that I've broken twice – in CoH and in Star Wars The Old Republic. The difference is that I know exactly how many characters I'll one day run through SWTOR – or at least the first 50 levels of SWTOR – and that's one of each class for a total of 8. For CoH it's rather more open ended.

I expect I'll run at least one of each archetype, and maybe two if I want one Hero and one Villain. The one (almost) definite number I can come up with though is the number of Praetorians I'll run, which is 4, because that's how many distinct storylines there are in the 1-20 experience introduced in Going Rogue. Eliminatrix, a Claws/Invulnerability Stalker, is the second of those.

My first trip to the not-the-mirror-universe was with Mistletoe, my Plant/Thorn Dominator. A glance back at those posts confirms that while I do enjoy the Dominator playstyle, that run did become a bit of a slog toward the end. Part of that was due to Dominators having problems in boss fights due to bosses having a lot of inherent resistance to control effects... and there's a lot more boss fights in Praetoria than in the equivalent Paragon City/Rogue Isles content. This presents something of a dilemma; I like my characters to be somewhat themed, and as it stands I have only two other concepts lined up that 'fit' Praetoria, and they're both Dominators. Something to think about.

Boss fights shouldn't be as much of a problem for Eliminatrix, as Stalkers are extremely single target focused. That's not to say that the archetype doesn't have certain quirks which could make this run a challenge, but I fully expect to have an easier run of it on this character than I did on Mistletoe, for reasons I'll get into in future posts.
