24 Hours in... Elder Scrolls Online (again)

I should have rolled a Khajiit, because then I could have called this "Once More With Feline."

Ah, Elder Scrolls Online. It's one of the Big Five of the MMORPG world and yet when I finally added it into my rotation I almost immediately bounced off, making it the first game in the history of this blog that I didn't do a  full run of 24 hours. To add insult to injury, when I came back to MMOing after that hiatus I passed up on taking another run at the game in favour of the old school grindfest that is Requiem.

But it's finally time to come back, and since last time around I only did 8 hours, and that over a year ago, I've decided to start again from scratch. Another day, another Dark Elf.

That was my first experience of ESO, so it's perhaps not surprising that this time around I've blazed through the tutorial and starter island in under four hours - twice as fast as I did it last time - and I'm now at the point where I previously lost interest. But that wasn't entirely ESO's fault.

So am I enjoying it? Well, I've had worse times. I've found myself drawing a lot of comparisons, mostly to Dungeons & Dragons Online and Neverwinter, and while some of that is no doubt due to my character being a Dark Elf/Drow Rogue, it's not just that. The combat feels like DDO, only faster... and shallower, and like Neverwinter, only not as kinetic or flashy. These are early impressions though.

Like I've said in the past, I've got very little history with the Elder Scrolls games and no investment in the franchise, so ESO will have to stand on its own merits. Let's see how that goes.

 Second time lucky?
