A Popcorn MMO

Toward the end of the storyline on Taris there's a side mission that calls back to a subplot from Knights of the Old Republic.  The epilogue to this story of the search for 'The Promised Land' that SWTOR delivers is devastatingly bleak, and all the more so because of how determinedly unheroic it is.  This is a franchise that routinely blows up entire planets without ever dwelling on what that means, and the gradual but inevitable end of the hopes of those few survivors on Taris is in sharp contrast to that.

It's jarring - no question of that - and all the more impactful for that.  It's also extremely well done, and some of the strongest writing that I've encountered so far in SWTOR.

Speaking of endings...

As I finish up this twenty four hours of SWTOR I find myself thinking more positively of the game than most of my commentary over the last two weeks would suggest.  Oh it is flawed in many ways - all those I mentioned and more besides - but the overall experience isn't terrible.  In a way it's very true to the Star Wars name - more often than not it's undemanding and shallow but there's enough going on in terms of action and character interplay for it to work as a distraction.  SWTOR is a popcorn MMO, and what could be more Star Wars than that?
