Up and down in goblintown

The hobgoblins have built a town down here, deep below Stormreach, and right now I'm standing close in to the wall of one of the flat roofed buildings, listening to the whir of arrows flying by. I step out to take another look.

They're still up there. How far up? I've already climbed a ladder and ran up a ramp to get to the platform where I am now, but they're still above me, and I can see the span of a bridge even further up. This is a big place.

Arrows continue to whistle down from somewhere up above. Most of them miss. Something up there is throwing spears as well but those are slower and when I see them arcing through the air toward me it only takes a quick sidestep to avoid them. I've got my own bow, but I can't even see the hobgoblins right now, let alone get a clear shot at them. I guess I'll have to go up.

I've taken some hits getting this far and it's been a while since I last found a rest shrine. I could use a healing potion, but instead I can use a wand that allows me to cast cure spells, even though I'm a rogue, not a cleric.

Mainly a rogue. I've picked up some wizard skills as well, and I cast two shield spells on myself, and trigger the false life spell in my bracers. All of that should keep me alive as I make my way up to deal with whatever is waiting for me up there.

I ready my bow, on the off chance that I get a clear shot at something on the way. I'll switch to my shortsword and dagger when I get close.

In other worlds I often feel so limited in what I can do. Melee only or ranged only. Potions only because healing is for healers only. Magic shields, but not for a rogue. As I start running up toward the first bridge I can't help but think that right now some of those other worlds feel so limited...

I've just remembered why I do actually like this game.



  1. Love it! You're right, DDO is so much fun and actually gives the players a lot of customization


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