Bring out your dead

Is there a more D&D-ish monster in D&D than the Gelatinous Cube? Seeing one of these in the Clockwork Tomb almost makes up for the orcs in Neverwinter (or DDO) not having pig snouts.

Neverdeath is the first zone (since Blacklake) that I've completed. I like the layout and the visuals, and it culminates in the Clockwork Tomb, which is not only one of my favourite instances, but also provides a bag as a quest reward.

It's not the only free bag that the game hands out during the course of regular adventuring. For all that Neverwinter gets a bad name for monetising – undeserved, in my opinion, but I'll get onto that another time – it's quite generous with bag space, mounts and so on. More so than several other F2P games I can think of.

Neverdeath is also where the first of the full campaigns begins with the daily dragon slaying. From my last experience of Neverwinter I recall it as making for an easy introduction to campaigns.

Following on from Neverdeath I could go to Helm's Hold, but I recall that zone as being rather visually bland and not very interesting all in all, so my next stop is Ebon Downs, which has yet more undead, but also has some small instances that I enjoy.

That said, coming into Ebon Downs at level 32 – the first level at which the quest to go there is available – is kicking my ass. Being stubborn I'll probably stick it out for a bit rather than skulk off to Helm's Hold for a level or two, even if I'm still feeling the pain of not having most of the combat skills I'd normally be relying on at this stage of the game.

