Making it in the big city

If the human cities of World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 were characters in a show on The CW then their ship name would be #Stormreach.

The naming conventions of fantasy cities notwithstanding... and this makes me feel better about all the times I referred to Protector's Enclave in Neverwinter as Protector's Reach when I was duoing that game with a friend last year... it's actually another MMO city that Stormreach reminds me of most. Since arriving I've spent most of my time fighting in warehouses, and seeing as I'm also wearing a cape I can only assume I've slipped through a crack in the MMOverse which has sent me to Paragon City.

There are a handful of level 2 or level 3 adventures in and around Stormreach that I have done before, but not many, so I'll be breaking new ground very soon, and I'm curious to see how exactly progression in DDO works.

Will I run out of new on-level content? Just how much of the content is locked in the store?

I'm aware that DDO has mechanics for rerunning already completed adventures – possibly at higher difficulty than the default – but I prefer to avoid repeat content, at least on the same character. My other preference, for encounters that might actually kill me, mean I'm torn between running the available level 2 adventures while they will still give me some xp, or running level 3 and above for the added challenge.

And will I ever work out how the crafting system works?

Crafting in DDO feels like something that will be useful eventually, but not any time soon. For now I'm only looking to gather essences from unused magic items. The main thing I've taken away from crafting so far is that the music that plays in the crafting hall sounds like it belongs in a Clockwork Orange.

Strangely, it fits. D&D isn't a straight fantasy setting in the way that say Middle-Earth is, and I enjoy the crafting hall music as a change of tone in a soundtrack that otherwise, not coincidentally, sounds very reminiscent of LOTRO.

